1. Interactivity
  2. scroll-margin



Utilities for controlling the scroll offset around items in a snap container.

scroll-margin: calc(var(--spacing) * <number>);
scroll-margin: calc(var(--spacing) * -<number>);
scroll-margin: var(<custom-property>);
scroll-margin: <value>;
scroll-margin-inline: calc(var(--spacing) * <number>);
scroll-margin-inline: calc(var(--spacing) * -<number>);
scroll-margin-inline: var(<custom-property>);
scroll-margin-inline: <value>;
scroll-margin-block: calc(var(--spacing) * <number>);
scroll-margin-block: calc(var(--spacing) * -<number>);


Basic example

Use the scroll-mt-<number>, scroll-mr-<number>, scroll-mb-<number>, and scroll-ml-<number> utilities like scroll-ml-4 and scroll-mt-6 to set the scroll offset around items within a snap container:

Scroll in the grid of images to see the expected behavior

<div class="snap-x ...">  <div class="snap-start scroll-ml-6 ...">    <img src="/img/vacation-01.jpg"/>  </div>  <div class="snap-start scroll-ml-6 ...">    <img src="/img/vacation-02.jpg"/>  </div>  <div class="snap-start scroll-ml-6 ...">    <img src="/img/vacation-03.jpg"/>  </div>  <div class="snap-start scroll-ml-6 ...">    <img src="/img/vacation-04.jpg"/>  </div>  <div class="snap-start scroll-ml-6 ...">    <img src="/img/vacation-05.jpg"/>  </div></div>

Using negative values

To use a negative scroll margin value, prefix the class name with a dash to convert it to a negative value:

<div class="snap-start -scroll-ml-6 ...">  <!-- ... --></div>

Using logical properties

Use the scroll-ms-<number> and scroll-me-<number> utilities to set the scroll-margin-inline-start and scroll-margin-inline-end logical properties, which map to either the left or right side based on the text direction:

Scroll in the grid of images to see the expected behavior



<div dir="ltr">  <div class="snap-x ...">    <div class="snap-start scroll-ms-6 ...">      <img src="/img/vacation-01.jpg"/>    </div>    <!-- ... -->  </div></div><div dir="rtl">  <div class="snap-x ...">    <div class="snap-start scroll-ms-6 ...">      <img src="/img/vacation-01.jpg"/>    </div>    <!-- ... -->  </div></div>

For more control, you can also use the LTR and RTL modifiers to conditionally apply specific styles depending on the current text direction.

Using a custom value

Use utilities like scroll-ml-[<value>] and scroll-me-[<value>] to set the scroll margin based on a completely custom value:

<div class="scroll-ml-[24rem] ...">  <!-- ... --></div>

For CSS variables, you can also use the scroll-ml-(<custom-property>) syntax:

<div class="scroll-ml-(--my-scroll-margin) ...">  <!-- ... --></div>

This is just a shorthand for scroll-ml-[var(<custom-property>)] that adds the var() function for you automatically.

Responsive design

Prefix a scroll-margin utility with a breakpoint variant like md: to only apply the utility at medium screen sizes and above:

<div class="scroll-m-8 md:scroll-m-0 ...">  <!-- ... --></div>

Learn more about using variants in the variants documentation.

Customizing your theme

The scroll-m-<number>,scroll-mx-<number>,scroll-my-<number>,scroll-ms-<number>,scroll-me-<number>,scroll-mt-<number>,scroll-mr-<number>,scroll-mb-<number>, and scroll-ml-<number> utilities are driven by the --spacing theme variable, which can be customized in your own theme:

@theme {  --spacing: 1px; }

Learn more about customizing the spacing scale in the theme variable documentation.

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